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Lecterns are a popular choice for hotels or large office buildings with multiple companies. Rather than a large desk, lecterns create a friendlier dynamic for your doorman or concierge; staff appear more approachable to visitors and guests and have space to keep their notes or a tablet. Popular with restaurants for Front of House staff, our Wooden Menu lecterns take up very little space and are all that’s needed in a discreet place to hold the reservations list

Choose from our beautiful solid Oak lectern for a statement piece or our wooden lectern available with or without the “Please Wait to be Seating” Sign. Lecterns are versatile and are ideal for a library or bookshop - what better way to feature a new publication and draw the reader’s attention than displaying a special book on a Wooden Lectern. We also have our Poster Case Lectern which carries one of our wooden poster frames to enable you to display your evening menu or to showcase important documents such as specific archived documents within a museum or library.