Chain fixed to the base of wooden A-board frames

SKU: chain Category:

£8.32£13.16 inc. VAT

Live in a windy area? Providing weighted ballast to your sign will help prevent damage to it in strong winds.

Add this product to your basket along with your chosen wooden A-board and we will fix this to the base of the frame ready for use

A strong welded link chain; select this product to add to the base of your A-board on any of our frames. This enables you to lay a sandbag or suitable weight across the chain to help provide a stronger ground connection.

Welded Link Chain

  • Side welded for extra strength
  • 2.5mm diameter chain: Inside link length14.0mm x Inside width x 5.0mm
  • Available in Black or Brass Plated
Weight 0.001 kg

Black Plated, Brass Plated